Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Awarded Top Honors in SE Labs Email Security Test


In an era where email is the most common conduit for cyber-attacks, safeguarding our inboxes is paramount. Recognizing the importance of this, Microsoft participated in a comprehensive evaluation by SE Labs, a leading testing laboratory that assesses the potency of security solutions. Their latest test focused on gauging the robustness of various Enterprise Email Security Services against a multitude of real-world email-based attacks.

The result? A resounding victory for Microsoft, clinching the AAA Protection Award for Microsoft Defender for Office 365. This accolade is the pinnacle of achievement for vendors in this category, showcasing excellence in email security.

Understanding the Defender’s Prowess

Microsoft Defender for Office 365 stands as a bulwark against menacing threats like phishing and business email compromise. Beyond just detecting threats, it is engineered with an array of capabilities – from thwarting impersonation attempts and spoofing to giving organizations an overarching view of phishing campaigns. Leveraging cutting-edge machine learning and other heuristic methods, the Defender seamlessly identifies phishing attempts throughout an organization.

Moreover, at the heart of Microsoft Defender for Office 365 lies the ethos of continuous learning. This extends to its users as well. At Microsoft, regular training exercises are conducted, exposing employees and top brass to simulated real-world phishing threats. This hands-on experience empowers them to identify and thwart genuine threats effectively.

Breaking Down the Numbers

The SE Labs’ assessment awarded Microsoft a commendable score of 89 percent, derived from:

  • A whopping 97 percent of threatening emails being successfully blocked.
  • A respectable 73 percent accurate identification of legitimate emails.

The stellar performance in neutralizing threats underscores Microsoft Defender for Office 365’s prowess in shielding businesses from email compromise. The slight dip in legitimate email identification stems from the heightened security measures tailored for executive accounts during the test. Although this led to increased email blockage, Microsoft views it as a prudent precaution.

What’s more, the Defender engine is in perpetual learning mode, drawing insights from email traffic patterns and making requisite adjustments. While the test saw Microsoft dialing the security to its zenith, administrators using the Defender can fine-tune their protection levels, ensuring they strike the right balance between robust defense and operational flexibility.

A Trusted Name in Email Security

This recognition by SE Labs reiterates the stature of Microsoft Defender for Office 365 as a preferred email protection tool for global enterprises. A testament to this is the success story of St. Luke’s and their experience with the Defender.

Microsoft’s commitment to this cause is unwavering. The company channels significant resources into fortifying businesses against phishing and email compromises. This mammoth task is shouldered by a dedicated team of researchers, engineers, and experts who draw insights from billions of emails processed daily to hone Microsoft’s machine learning engines.

Holistic Protection with Microsoft’s XDR Solution

Microsoft Defender for Office 365 is not an isolated entity. It’s a part of a grander security ecosystem – the Microsoft 365 Defender. This extended detection and response (XDR) solution provides comprehensive security coverage across the board, from emails and collaboration platforms like SharePoint, OneDrive, and Microsoft Teams.

Looking to fortify your organization’s digital defenses with the best in the industry? Jumpstart your journey with Microsoft Defender for Office 365!

Stay updated on the latest in Microsoft Security by bookmarking Microsoft Security blog and following us on @InfraShift. Your security is our mission!


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